Home :: Deities & Guardians :: The Goddess of Wealth - Chai Shen Poh

The Goddess of Wealth - Chai Shen Poh

The Goddess of Wealth - Chai Shen Poh
Item dimension is approximately 13.5(H) x 13.0(L) x 9.0(W) cm.
Chai Shen Poh is the female version of the Wealth God. She is also known as the Queen of Gamblers as the money luck that she brings to you is of the speculative sort. Hence, having her image in your home will bring you excellent windfall and gambling luck.
Display this Goddess of Wealth prominently in the southeast sector of your living room to bring you lots of side income. This will also ensure that that Lady Luck will always be with you so that you make all the right decisions. It is recommended that the Chai Shen Poh is to be placed in the main hall or family area.
Note: Do not place this deity in kitchen, on the floor and in toilet/bathroom.
SKU SKU16386  
Weight 1.20 kg
Dimension Approximately 13.5(H) x 13.0(L) x 9.0(W) cm
Material Polystone / Earth Material
Color Colorful
Our price: US$28.80 (AUD 42.34)