Home :: Crystal Feng Shui :: Green Wish Fulfilling Crystal for Growth and Expansion - 60mm

Green Wish Fulfilling Crystal for Growth and Expansion - 60mm

Green Wish Fulfilling Crystal for Growth and Expansion - 60mm
How you being wishing lately? It is good to wish for something that we hope to get, it gives the hope and goal to pursue our dreams. There is much kind of wishes that we hope for, we can wish for better promotion, better financial stability or we can wish for better health. We may also wish for other people that we are close with, for example, close relative or friends that may be sick.
There is a lot of sentiment that we can wish for, material wish like car, house and financially or faithful wish like strength, love, health and much more.

Now you can symbolically place these beautiful crystal wish fulfilling jewels. Choose one of the Wish Fulfilling Jewels that you inspire and when you are really to make a wish, place the Wish Fulfilling Jewel in your hand and then you can make your wish. When you are making your wish, you need to focus on the thought in order for your mental energy to flow to the wish fulfilling jewel. The Wish Fulfilling Jewel contains the Earth Energy and after wishing you can place the Jewel at the Northwest of Southwest corner of your house or your working desk.

Green wish-fulfilling crystals are wonderful feng shui item for activating a positive flow of Chi to actualize all your wishes. This crystal in GREEN is perfect for creating the energies you need for growth and expansion. It is particularly suitable for entrepreneurs and business people who want to grow their business.

Yellow Jewel for Wealth
Red Jewel for Fame
Deep Blue Jewel for Health
Aquamarine Blue Jewel for Career
Green Jewel for Growth and Development
Pink Jewel for Love and Romance.

The item can be used as a gift for your family members and close friends. Avoid putting on the floor or putting inside your toilet/bathroom. 

SKU SKU18800  
Weight 0.20 kg
Dimension Approximately 6.0 cm diameter.
Material High Quality Lead Crystal
Our price: US$12.80 (AUD 18.82)