Home :: Liuli Glass Jewellery :: Liuli Big Money Bull Amulet Tassel To Boost Wealth and Prosperity Luck

Liuli Big Money Bull Amulet Tassel To Boost Wealth and Prosperity Luck

Liuli Big Money Bull Amulet Tassel To Boost Wealth and Prosperity Luck

To Boost Wealth and Prosperity Luck!

Carry liuli Big Money Bull amulet tassel close to you to activate long term prosperity luck and unlocks the hidden wealth in the year of Water Rabbit. It neutralize all negative forces surrounding you and enhance your strength while facing your competitors. This amulet gives you the willpower to change difficult situations into great opportunities. An excellent feng shui talisman for those in business, those who invest in the stock market, and those who want their wealth and net worth to increase tremendously.

You must have at least one of this feng shui amulet with you wherever you go. It is a very powerful enhancer to bring you plenty of good luck in your life.

This item is a perfect gift to family members and close friends. It is very suitable for men and women. You can use this amulet as a tassel or clip the amulet onto your handbag, briefcase or car rear view mirror to enhance your prosperity luck.

LiuLi Glass Jewelry:

Originally known only to the Asians, Liuli glass artworks, jewelries, and accessories are vastly gaining popularity outside Asia, in countries like America and even Europe. Liuli or 琉璃 is the ancient Chinese word for Glass, nowadays it is used to refer to hand-crafted, multi-hued crystal glass which is made using an ancient glass casting technique. The casting of Liuli glass Feng Shui enhancers adds style and fashion to the conventional looks of Feng Shui ornaments.

SKU SKU18892  
Weight 0.20 kg
Dimension Approximately 4.8 cm diameter x 1.5 cm thickness amulet. Overall length 32.0 cm.
Material Authentic Liuli Crystal Glass
Our price: US$38.80 (AUD 57.04)