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3 Chi Lin To Confront The Three Killings

3 Chi Lin To Confront The Three Killings

For the Chinese, the Chi Lin is the mythical Unicorn. It has the head of a dragon and body of a horse. The Chi Lin promises good omen, prosperity, success, longevity and illustrious offspring.

Using Chi Lin to confront the Three Killings

The Three Killings direction is also known as the Saam Saat. You must never have this direction behind you at any time. So you must find out where it is each year and confront it boldly, otherwise it sends three types of misfortunes to disturb you and make your life miserable. It is part of Feng Shui practice to take note of where the Three Killings is located every year.

In 2015, the year of SHEEP, the Three Killings is in the WEST. This means that during 2015 sitting with the direction WEST behind is foolish and deadly. This means you should not sit facing EAST. This holds even when the WEST is your best direction. You may, however, face the Three Killings directly. This means that in 2015 you can and should sit facing WEST. Confronting the Three Killings will not hurt you but having it behind you will. It is always more advantages to sit facing the Three Killings head on.

When you are planning to do house repairs and renovations you must not do it in sectors that house the Three Killings. Thus in 2015 this means you should not undertake any renovations in the WEST part of your house, however, undertake renovations in sectors that are opposite the Three Killings.

The Three Killings direction always occupies one of the four cardinal sectors – north, south, east, or west. So this is an affliction that covers 90 degrees of the compass. Here is the summary of where it flies to each year. Take note of these afflicted directions in each respective year and follow the advice never to have your back to this direction and never disturb it with renovations.

Place of the Three Killings:

In Ox, Snake, and Rooster years the Three Killings is in the EAST (2021, 2025, 2017)

In Pig, Rabbit, and Sheep years the Three Killings is in the WEST (2019, 2015, 2023)

In Monkey, Rat, and Dragon years the Three Killings is in the SOUTH (2016, 2020, 2024)

In Dog, Horse, and Tiger years the Three Killings is in the NORTH (2018, 2026, 2022)

Placing 3 Chi Lin in the direction of the Three Killings or placing 3 Chi Lin facing the directions of the Three Killings to restrain and prevent the killing Chi from harming you.

(Adopted from "Lillian Too's flying star feng shui for the master practitioner")

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