Home :: Crystal Bracelets :: Black Obsidian Double Pi Yao Bracelet for Double Protection

Black Obsidian Double Pi Yao Bracelet for Double Protection

Black Obsidian Double Pi Yao Bracelet for Double Protection
This single horn Pi Yao is particularly a powerful and auspicious creature of good fortune.

The Pi You is considered an infinite, unending sort of creature. It is said to have a voracious appetite that is never ending. It has a fat body to indicate a full stomach loaded with unlimited of good fortune. This Pi Yao have a power of assisting anyone who is suffering from bad Feng Shui that is due to having offended the Grand Duke Jupiter (also called as Tai Sui). Thus, it is helpful for those who are going through a bad year according to their zodiac. This Pi Yao bracelet is gorgeous and it was carved from high quality of Black Obsidian stone.
What does Pi Yao symbolizes?

Chinese have always adored the Pi Yao from high level official to working class people. Pi Yao is a symbol of protection and security for all classes. Many people like Pi Yao because Pi Yao does not gave an anus and it only absorb and eat but do not dispose anything. This mean, Pi Yao could absorb a lot of good fortune and wealth luck for you and your family into your office or home and it stays within your premises and do not dispose any of the luck from your offices or home.

How To Use

1. Wear this bracelet if you have just move into new house. If you have just finished renovating your house, the more reason why you should wear a Pi Yao in your house. It will save you from any bad obstacle due to your recent renovation that might have created.

2. If you drive long distance, ensure that you wear a Pi Yao in your car. Pi Yao will protect you from any unwanted incidents.

3. If permit, please wear a Pi Yao bracelet at all times to avoid any unwanted incident or back luck that you may come around in your path. At the same time, it will bring a good fortune and wealth luck to you as well.
Black Obsidian is a very powerful and creative stone. It grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, bringing them under the direction of the conscious will and making it possible to manifest spiritual energies on earth. Self-control is increased by the use of this stone.

Black Obsidian forces facing up to one's true self, taking you deep into the subconscious mind in the process. It brings imbalance and shadow qualities to the surface for release, highlighting hidden factors. It magnifies all negative energies so that they can be fully experienced and then released. This healing effect goes back into past lives, and can work on the ancestral and family line. Black Obsidian composts the past to make fertile energy growth of the soul. It reverse previous misuse of power and addresses power issues on all levels, teaching that to be empowered is not to wield personal power but rather to channel power for the good of all.

Black Obsidian is protective. It repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts. It facilitates the release of old loves and provides support during change.

In healing, a Black Obsidian placed on the navel grounds spiritual energy into the body. Held briefly above the third eye it breaks through mental barriers and dissolves mental conditioning. Used with care, it can draw together scattered energy and promote emotional release.

Wearing the Black Obsidian can change one's luck from bad to good. It can ward off those bad 'Chi' from all sort of poison arrow pointing against your body and mind.
This crystal product will be cleansed of negative energy by using the singing bowl before shipment to empower it with positive Sheng Chi. The item can be used as a gift for your family members and close friends.

Note: This bracelet comes with a gift box.
SKU SKU17778  
Weight 0.06 kg
Dimension Approximately 1.0 x 0.75 x 0.4 inches amulet
Material Natural Black Obsidian crystal
Color Black
Our price: US$28.80 (AUD 42.34)
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